SamSpade Gaining Momentum
The common opinion in Atlasia was that Senator StatesRights possesses the safest seat in Atlasia. He has held it since it was first open. So, then, why, many asked this week, when a KingPoll was released that showed SamSpade with a 67-11% lead over the Senator. First, it may be that States' arrogant behavior regarding his run for President have cooled many voters off from the idea of re-electing him. His staunchly conservative views were never a problem for him in the past. So why now? Because SamSpade is a moderate who brings a vision to the table, in a respectable fashion. Although he crossed the line by saying in a campaign ad that StatesRights dresses like a member of the Ku Klux Klan, he is a very popular person in District 4. From Louisana, he recently entered the race, and has since gone into detail concerning his ideas for Atlasia. However, elections aren't for another month, and so much changed in the last month, we don't know what the situation will be like then.
Lost in the mess is George W. Bush, of Texas, who garnered 11%. A typical Republican, his goal is to expose himself to the public, which is hard matched up against two charismatic and experienced opponents.
Lost in the mess is George W. Bush, of Texas, who garnered 11%. A typical Republican, his goal is to expose himself to the public, which is hard matched up against two charismatic and experienced opponents.