Al Jumps In, States Out
Former Vice President, labor supporter, and current Senator Al jumped into the race for President yesterday. He is of the Farmer-Labor Party, and from the state of West Virginia. His running-mate is Siege40, Senator from Maine and member of the United Left.
Al is a populist in every sense of the word, and has many supporters. The offical AFDNC primary was held over the weekend, and the Lewis Trondheim/True Democrat ticket won, but a new primary has been called. Insiders really do not know which way that endorsement will fall, but it is expected that the party vote for President will be split among 3 candidates.
In other news, Senator StatesRights of Florida jumped out of the Presidential race. His running-mate, Jake of Georgia, quit to become Game Moderator, and the Senator was under heavy criticism for running for two seats at the same time. His own seat in the Senate is in jeoprady, thanks to a spirited campaign by Sam Spade, of Louisiana.
Al is a populist in every sense of the word, and has many supporters. The offical AFDNC primary was held over the weekend, and the Lewis Trondheim/True Democrat ticket won, but a new primary has been called. Insiders really do not know which way that endorsement will fall, but it is expected that the party vote for President will be split among 3 candidates.
In other news, Senator StatesRights of Florida jumped out of the Presidential race. His running-mate, Jake of Georgia, quit to become Game Moderator, and the Senator was under heavy criticism for running for two seats at the same time. His own seat in the Senate is in jeoprady, thanks to a spirited campaign by Sam Spade, of Louisiana.