Peter Bell Not Running
Attorney General Peter Bell announced he would seek the Governorship of the Mideast Region and not the Presidency, he announced today. He felt he did not have the resources to run a Presidential campaign. He said he figures to be an active governor who will push for major reform both nationally and locally.
This further clears the field of leftist candidates, and creates an interesting scenerio for the Democratic endorsement. Party insiders were hoping for a Peter Bell run. Since relations between the AFDNC and Hughento have been cold, expect Kemperor, with a Democrat on his ticket, to make a major run at the endorsement, and possibly attain it.
This further clears the field of leftist candidates, and creates an interesting scenerio for the Democratic endorsement. Party insiders were hoping for a Peter Bell run. Since relations between the AFDNC and Hughento have been cold, expect Kemperor, with a Democrat on his ticket, to make a major run at the endorsement, and possibly attain it.