BALTIMORE, MARYLAND: Senator StatesRights of District 4 (SRP-FL) entered the race for President today. He said "Dear Citizens of District 4, citizens of the south and Atlasians,
I am here today to announce my candidacy for president of the Atlas forum! Since my beginnings as senator from District 4 I have seen many changes come to forum politics. I have also seen many citizens come and go. Now is a time of change in Atlasian politics. The need for a constitutional convention has drawn near. I strongly stand beside the belief in revising and modernizing our great constitution. As your president I promise I will promote and support the constitution and plead other citizens to help change it. I would like to ask citizen Jake to be my running mate. That is all for now.
Senator StatesRights"
Citizen Jake, who is a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, immediatly accepted the role of Vice-Presidential candidate. Jake has built a reputation as an active member in senate affairs, and is certainly Conservative in a way similar to States Rights. There was no attempt for ideological balance on this ticket. StatesRights is the longest serving Senator in Atlasia, and had run for President in October, but lost in the primaries to PBrunsel.
This actually does not change the shape of the race in a large fashion. According to the latest King Poll, Kemperor/Alcon had a 51-26 edge over Lewis Trondheim/True Democrat ticket, while when adding StatesRights/Jake, it becomes 43-26-14. It certainly does not help Trondheim, if Preferential Voting is used. Which is an if. Vice President Keystone Phil has asked the Senator to drop out, fearing he would split the right. The VP is opposed to Preferential Voting, but many citizens have told the Vice President to simply use the system.
The Republican Primary will be interesting, that is certain.