Friday, December 24, 2004

Nation Out as Lt. Gov

BUFFALO, NEW YORK- Lt. Gov. Nation announced earlier today in a quiet ceremony that he is resigning the office of Lt. Governor of the Northeast region. It is our belief that Gov. MAS117, who recently switched to the Union party, will appoint True Democrat to that position, partly to thank the Democrats for their support for him in the past. True Democrat is currently a Senator, but will be out of a job come January.


NYMAN, DC- Several insiders on the Hill say that President PBrunsel will not aim for a second term. His Presidency has been marred by division and inaction, so it is not surprising. There is no offical word yet, this is only a rumor. More will be published as more is uncovered.

Kemperor Is the Favorite

NYMAN, DC- Chief Justice Kemperor delcared his candidacy for President earlier today. The justice said he would base his campaign around forum affairs and getting a new consitution in place. PBrunsel has dropped in support recently, and his appearant ignorance about the need for a new Constitution has raised eyebrows. He is an independent, but is the favorite to get many endorsements, including the Union and Freedom parties. Several Republicans, such as Chairman Bono have also endorsed the Chief Justice.

This entrance makes it imperative for Hughento to clear up any differences he has with the AFDNC. Their 38 voters may come in handy for him, especially considering the fact that the center won't first preference him.