Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Nym90 Interview

Akno21: How do you answer charges about you not being active enough?
Nym90: Well, I have posted nearly every day in the fantasy elections section of the forum, and have voted on every piece of legislation that has come forth that i am aware of, including the many amendments to legislation. There has certainly been a glut of legislative activity lately, which is a positive sign for the future of Atlasia. My campaign team is being assembled and we are ready to start actively campaigning soon, and there is a debate scheduled for this Saturday night in the Teamspeak chat room. I think I'm a pretty known quantity in Atlasia, and my positions are well known both inside and outside of the Fantasy Elections.
Akno21: What is your position on abortion, and how does it compare to that of Mr. Naso?
Nym90: I feel that abortion is a terrible thing. We should make it one of our foremost priorities to reduce abortion. However, I feel that that is best done through reducing the economic necessity for abortion. I strongly support the Unwed Mothers Act proposed by my esteem colleague Mr. Supersoulty, and though I am pro-choice, I do support banning abortion after 5 months of a pregnancy except in cases where the mother's life is at stake. But above all, we must do everything in our power to reduce the conditions that lead to abortion, and I feel those are poor education and a lack of economic opportunity. This is paramount to solving this problem.
Akno21: How would you fix the education problem, from a federal standpoint?
Nym90: I think the main thing that we must do is devolve power from Nyman back to the regions, and especially to the local communities. Local school boards, teachers, parents and administrators know what's best for their children, not federal bureaucrats. A "one size fits all" approach will never work in education. The federal government's primary role should be to disburse funds to local communities which can then solve the problem in whichever unique way is necessary for their area. Certainly we shouldn't abandon a set of basic standards, but overall, localized education works better when it comes to how to manage schools.
Nym90: That being said, I am a strong supporter of public education, and I strongly support increasing its funding, along with localizing the control.
Akno21: How much would you increase funding for education by, ideally?
Nym90: Well, I think that's something we have to look at within the reality of the federal budget. Given our current budget situation we have to be realistic about it. But I think that we definitely need an increase, which will be greatly beneficial to the economy of Atlasia, and will close the opportunity gap, ensuring that all Atlasians have the chance to get ahead in life. This will improve the economy and largely if not completely pay for itself in the process, I believe. It's definitely an area that needs to be addressed.
Akno21: What is your view on our China policy at the moment, and what should be done differently?
Nym90: Well, I think that the most important thing that must be done is to look into some sort of reduction of trade with China. We shouldn't be coddling dictators and supporting these repressive regimes by helping to prop up their economy, undermining the basic underpinnings of our own in the process. Most Favored Nation trading status with that regime is a blight on Atlasia. Although we need to be diplomatic in our relationship with China, we definitely do need to draw a line in the sand and make it clear that we stand strongly in favor of democracy and against tyranny and oppression.
Akno21: What are your opinions about your Senate opponents?
Nym90: Well, I look forward to debating them. They are both fine men but I think that the voters of District 3 have to look at them closely, and their past actions, and decide whether they want to take this District in that direction. It's something that I trust the voters will be looking at closely come election weekend.
Nym90: I think there's a pretty stark contrast, between myself and my opponents, in many ways.
Akno21: Which ways?
Nym90: Well, ideologically and in terms of experience. I think my record speaks for itself, and I have worked well with many members of the Senate to forge coalitions and get things done. I think that's important to the voters, the ability to work well with others in a cordial and responsible manner.
Akno21: Mr. Naso has attacked you for being liberal, and some would say tried to turn liberal into some sort of curse word. Is there anything wrong with being liberal?
Nym90: Well, there's certainly never anything wrong with standing up for your convictions, no. I haven't run from the label in the past, and I won't now. However, it's also important to get past labels, and look at the person. I'm curious as to how his positions are moderate as he's claimed. As I've always said, I am a pragmatic progressive, and while my convictions and positions are well known, I think I've shown a good ability to reach out to others and work well with Senators of different ideologies. I represent all of the people of my District, not just those who may be of a similar ideological persuasions, and I always work hard to represent the views of all Atlasians.
Nym90: So while my opponent is attacking people and applying liberals, we're doing the people's business and getting things done.
Akno21: What is your biggest achievement as a Senator?
Nym90: Well if I had to pick one, I'd say the Competitive Contracting bill, which I think will show many positive results in improving the efficiency of government while ensuring that vital services are provided to the people. I strongly believe in better government, more effective government, not bureaucratic red tape, and this bill, which had support from those of all political persuasions, will greatly improve the way government works and make it work for the people, as it should.
Akno21: Do you believe your experience makes you more qualified for the job?
Nym90: Well, it's something that the voters care about, I think. It's not just the experience, but the formation of good working relationships that counts. The ability to reach out, which I've demonstrated time and time again. So I'd say yes, but not just experience in and of itself; the ability to work well with others is paramount. That's how things get done in Nyman, and it's something that we need more of.
Akno21: All in all, you believe you represent your district better than Mr. Naso, correct?
Nym90: I think so. I think I am more in line with the views of most District 3 residents. But of course the voters will decide on election weekend who they feel best represents them. Right now we are most focused on getting our message out and highlighting my accomplishments and my record. We're confident that the voters will see the contrast on election weekend.
Akno21: Who do you support in the other senate races, or are you undecided?
Nym90: I'm definitely saddened to see Nation forced to drop out in D1. I'll hold off on any endorsement there until we know the full scope of who is running.
Nym90: Otherwise, I'm for Akno in D2, Hughento in D5, and I'm officially undecided on D4, though I like a lot of what George W. Bush has been saying. I think he's shown that he could be an excellent addition to the Senate.


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